A racist and hate-filled video sparked outrage this week across Old Dominion University campus; the horrifying clip showed a woman rapping about White power and waving a gun.

Annapolis-area school officials discuss 'KKK' Twitter threats with parents. Racist incidents are causing alarm.

The University of Pennsylvania is on edge over a cyber threat targeting Black freshmen. Investigators identify a University of Oklahoma suspect in an ongoing probe.

A law professor causes a firestorm for wearing blackface to an off-campus Halloween party. Students and faculty are calling for the professor's resignation.

There's a third reported racist graffiti incident at Eastern Michigan University. School officials have doubled their reward for information leading to an arrest.

Several universities are experimenting with "White Identity Retreats" to calm rising racial tensions on campuses. White students will learn about personal and systemic facets of White privilege.

Hundreds of American University students protested campus racism. Bananas were thrown at two Black students in the latest incident.

The University of Alabama announced a new plan to address racism among its sororities and fraternities. This comes after a campus newspaper exposed systemic racism in the membership selection process.

Negotiations are at a standstill between Duke University and student protesters. The university official at the center of the controversy apologized for his misconduct. The students call it a small victory, but just one step toward resolving the bigger issues.

A police investigation concluded that three SUNY-Albany students lied about a racially-motivated attack. Authorities believe the three women were the attackers and will charge them with third-degree assault.