
During the event, actors, activists, and musicians will pay homage to Dr. King with recitations of his most revered speeches, as well as musical performances.


Voter suppression in America is forcing Black communities to push back and endure long lines to cast ballots.


The Color of Change PAC has launched a program to mobilize Black voters beyond just getting high voter turnout.


A new report says the federal government is using social media to monitor and crack down on Black activists around the country.


With the 2016 presidential election just around the corner, Roland Martin and NewsOne Now examined a survey that focused on the intersection of race and police community relations with the hope of gaining some insight into what is driving opposing sides away from a normalized co-existence. One question that resonated with those surveyed and with those who […]


Tuesday marks the final multi-state primary before the Republican and Democratic national conventions. Voters in California, North Dakota, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, and South Dakota will head to the polls to voice their choice for the presidential nominees for their respective parties. The Associated Press is reporting that Hillary Clinton already has reached the magic number […]